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Write On! Handwriting Analysis

A sampling from more than 300 articles

Dear Debbie,

I’m about to make a big change in my life and I was wondering if you can tell me something about myself and about these changes through my writing.
- Wondering about the future

Can the future be told?
Looking into your Is for article.png

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Dear Wondering,

The desire for change is obvious in the very long lower loops in your writing. This change is likely material or practical in nature, such as a move to a better paying position or a big change in location. As far as the changes themselves, your writing offers no clues.

It is often thought that a handwriting analyst can predict future events but, unfortunately, this is not true. About as close as I can get is to assess the likelihood of difficulty or success by the strengths and challenges I see.

For example, if a writing sample shows no determination and persistence, then the writer may struggle to achieve their goals simply because those driving qualities are missing. On the other hand, if someone tells me they want to be a professional dancer and I see an abundance of supportive traits in that area, then I could predict that they are likely to be successful if they keep that goal in sight.

People are often amazed by how much their handwriting reveals but this comes from over 30 years of involvement and study in this and related fields. I, too, am amazed by how a farmer can look at a plant or a field and tell almost instantly what supplements may be needed to insure healthy growth; or a golf instructor who knows the exact and often slightest adjustment necessary to correct a swing that sends a ball wildly off course. The farmer knows by trial and error. The golfer knows from hitting thousands of golf balls. Both know from knowledge gained through experience.

So my “prediction” is that the big change in your life is either well thought out and of no particular risk, since you are not one to take chances, or this change is not entirely your decision and you are going along with what has been decided. In either case, your strong sense of loyalty will help you remain faithful to your conviction, organizational skills will keep you prepared, and determination will help you stick with it through the tough times.

Good luck and thanks for writing!

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