The concept of symbols, their placement in written communication, and the writer’s choice to use them is a fascinating aspect to the study of handwriting.
I’m about to make a big change in my life and I was wondering if you can tell me something about myself and about these changes through my writing. - Wondering about the future
Dubbed the information age, news bytes come at us from all directions. Newspaper, television, radio, emails, and social media –all passing on bits of data whether we want them or not. What do we do with all this information?
What is holding me back from stepping up to the plate; from letting go of all that no longer serves me and reaching out & living the life that is my soul's dream...
When we think of child abuse, we often think of child victims but there is an estimated 40 million adult survivors of child abuse in the United States today. Yet, as an underreported crime, we know this estimate is low.
Why is it that sometimes when I write in cursive I don’t fully write in cursive? I use both cursive and print. I especially notice it in r’s and z’s as in dizzy, crazy, burr, warm, storm, and zero.
First of all, I prefer printing. It seems like my writing looks neater and more understandable in print, rather than cursive. Plus I feel like I can write faster in print… Not sure if this makes a difference, but I’m super picky about my pens. husband was trained by the Air Force... to interpret handwriting. Every time I gave him a sample of a friends handwriting, his assesment was amazingly accurate. I was wondering if you could interperet my handwriting…