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Write On! Handwriting Analysis

A sampling from more than 300 articles

Dear Debbie,

Does my handwriting reveal what type of job I’d be well suited for or (and) happy in?

Looking into your Is for article.png

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Dear Reader,

A vocational analysis requires a thorough study of a large sample of writing, but enough can be found in your sample to provide some clues.

The most noticeable trait is your analytical nature revealed primarily by “v” formations (See m’s and n’s in circled text. Note: Jacques Cousteau's writing is added below your sample for comparison.) on the baseline of writing. This ability to sift and sort through information also means you rarely accept facts at face value. You want to know more and you want to be sure. Although you may solicit the opinions of others, you will not act on their opinion alone without first investigating for yourself. An analyst thrives on breaking things down into basic factors in order to find out what causes specific results. Analytical ability can be used positively in such areas as research, engineering, finance, and some forms of writing, as well as counseling and teaching, among a great many others.

An interest in literature and culture is evident in figure-8 formations shown throughout your letter. Imagination tends toward the material and practical aspects of life rather than the spiritual or philosophical. In other words, your comfort zone is grounded in reality and what you know already exists. This supports the analytical ability, which thrives on facts and identifiable data that backs-up a theory.

Although social interaction is indicated, you also have an ability to work alone. It may suit you to have a sense of responsibility in your work that is not solely dependent on instruction from others.

There is also a desire for some type of physical activity. Whatever form this takes, conscious physical movement will provide the necessary balance to a mind that is mentally energetic and constantly evaluating.

An essential trait to professions that involve technical work is a strong attention to detail. Paralegals, proofreaders, inspectors, critics, doctors, and handwriting analysts are just a few careers that thrive on detail and evaluation. I’m sure you can think of many more that require these qualities and that you will find intriguing. But to be happy in your work, you need to enjoy what you’re doing; so it should utilize your skills and interests.

A sample of Jacques Cousteau’s (1910-97) writing also reveals an analytical and investigative type thinker. His marine explorations are known the world over – a very useful, productive, and positive focus for a mind seeking answers and understanding.

A wonderful book for those interested in finding or changing careers is “What Color is Your Parachute?” by Richard Bolles.

Thanks for writing!

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