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Write On! Handwriting Analysis

A sampling from more than 300 articles

Hello Debbie,
 Your column is the best! I would love my handwriting analyzed …

Carefree attitude requires plenty of space
Looking into your Is for article.png

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Dear Reader,
Your writing is all about spontaneity and reveals a somewhat carefree attitude that requires plenty of mental and physical space. Although you have some goals in mind, at the time of this writing, most are not being taken too seriously. You’re always on the lookout for alternatives and want to keep your options open.

This openness is encouraged by an active imagination focused primarily in the abstract. You may find yourself just bursting with so many ideas that it becomes a challenge to direct your energy at any one particular target. Yet, when you apply yourself, perhaps in helping someone else, you are more able to organize your thoughts and actions to see a goal through to completion. And your enthusiasm has been known to attract those who share your immediate passion.

Ever curious and alert to your surroundings, you ask lots of questions. You’re like a reporter who wants to know every detail to satisfy that questioning mind. Yet it’s not so much the facts that interest you, but how it all fits into the grand scheme of things. “Why” and “how” just might be two of your favorite words. You want to understand!

Does this cause you some concern? Sometimes. You tend to speak your mind without first pausing to consider how your remarks might be taken. However, a sense of pride and some fear of disapproval will offer some control in more sensitive matters. These two may also be affecting your progress on those goals that are most important to you.

Some denial can be seen throughout this sample but may be attached to the subject of this letter, which was your sister who had recently passed away. Denial is identified by initial loops in circle letters; the loop appears on the left side of the circle only. The “o” in “more” is a good example. Denial is a form of adjustment; it serves to protect us from something too difficult to accept currently. This form of self-deceit is not necessarily a bad thing as long as it’s temporary.

I recently ran across the following quote from Melody Beattie who wrote a classic book on co-dependency. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.”

Imagination can be used to help us deny what we’re not ready to accept but it can also light a path of possibilities — when we’re ready for it. Your writing shows a pull in different directions. Some acceptance may encourage the dust to settle and your next step to become clear.

Good luck and thanks for writing!

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