There is so much more we can do to encourage, inform, and inspire others to enrich our world!
Here are just a few ways I envision The List being even more available and effective.
Framed versions in public locations, social work agencies, corporations, private businesses, organizations, group homes, schools...
Action committees, study groups incorporating these ideas into their environment
Art projects designed around the theme of The List or any of the 101 Things
Digital version display in televised national sporting events
Sponsored gifts to schools, libraries, organizations
Buses, billboards, mugs, and backpacks
Public Service Announcements
and so much more!
Want to get involved in some way?
Contact me to discuss the possibilities!
Legislative action!
Help pass the Equal Rights Amendment
Lots of info at equalrightsamendment.org
Convention on the Rights of the Child
The United States is the only United Nations state party that has NOT ratified this agreement.
There is more info at UNICEF. Sign their petition!