Regardless of the month, or the event, women will continue to make their marks! By our actions or our inaction, through our voice or our silence, from our most assertive to our most gentle—our presence is part of the story of this time. The choices we make today, and in each moment, may or may not make the history books, but they will definitely leave a mark on tomorrow. Let's give it everything we've got!
By the way, I focus on women and girls finding and using their voice because I believe that is the key to creating the balance we need now. There is no intention to exclude or blame men and boys but we do need to be aware of the dynamic of male dominance that has played out for so long in human history. It didn't start that way. Yet, it makes me wonder about collective internalized guilt on both the feminine and the masculine that may be blocking our path. So we need to be more aware, curious, and honest about our stories through the ages to help us all, individually and collectively, make better choices for a more harmonious world. Imagine that! It's possible. It's happening!
Ask US President/Congress to finish some old business. These three issues have been in the works for years. I am still looking for advocacy and petition links, and will send as soon as I find them.
Send a message via the Feminist Majority to the national archivist to certify and publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Here's a March 2022 article on CNN for the why.
Ask President Biden to send the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to the Senate to ratify. The United States, who helped create it, has not yet ratified it. Here is the UNICEF child friendly pdf version of what the CRC is all about. Here's an article on why.
Advocate for U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) An article on its history and why and here's another why.
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