These are challenging times and we’ve heard that before. It’s inconceivable to think that a convicted felon, abuser, chronic liar, and cheat has been elected president of this country. I’m not going to go off on that, this is undisputed.
Instead, I believe this is our moment. Old ways are falling apart. We’re seeing it on many levels. So rather than sit back and ride this out, it’s time to do something.
Because here’s the thing: if we do nothing, we enable. You don’t have to run for office or start a community action committee, but you can. You can also volunteer, donate to a cause, gather with like-minded to contribute to a cause or activity. You can also not support the misinformation by boycotting social media, media that focuses on the gloom and doom, and media that refuses to report on the good news. (See below for good news sources).
I’ve said it before. As a survivor of child abuse I am aware of the dynamic playing out. It is controlling, manipulative and driven and enabled by fear. The best way to counter this dynamic is to do something. Spread hope, kindness, optimism, and joy. Vent out your frustrations when you need to and let it go. Then focus on what you want to see, what you want this country/your community, family, relationships to be. When you focus on those life-affirming qualities that you believe in, you set an example and show that kindness behavior is normal and more prevalent — because it is.
Here’s the math:
More worry and complaining =
less energy for optimistic, empowering, and life-affirming endeavors.
More empowering, caring for, and uplifting ourselves and others =
more people who are empowered to act.
Imagine if everyone reading this post did one thing every day with the intention of spreading kindness, caring, joy, and possibility. Simple math = there would be more joy, appreciation, and loving energy on the planet.
You know it’s true. Let’s do this!

Positive News Sites
Tired of the mainstream flow of negative news? Add one or more of these sites to balance your intake. Sign up for their newsletter! Be encouraged, be inspired, be certain that amazing things are happening all the time!
Excerpt from 101 Ways to Wow! Our World by Debbie Jenae